Check out Michael Seifert's blog - Waldorfteacherresources - if you haven't yet. It has lots of goodies!
Friday, November 27, 2015
Monday, September 28, 2015
Saints and fables from India and Tibet
The Jataka tales are great fables from India. Buddhists hold them to be descriptions of the past lives of the Buddha prior to his rebirth as the prince Siddhartha, however this need not be explained outright. There are scores of Jatakas (pronounced Jah-ta-ka with an almost imperceptible stress on the first syllable, rather than Ja-TA-ka). One great collection is entitled, "Buddhist Animal Wisdom Stories." Despite the title, there is no mention of Buddhism in any of the tales. Find it on Amazon. There are also many Jatakas involving human incarnations, such as when he was a young prince who offered his body to a starving tigress so she and her cubs could survive. When the young prince was later reborn as prince Siddhartha and became enlightened, the tigress and her four cubs were the five ascetics who had meditated with Siddhartha, abandoned him and then became the first five disciples when Buddha taught the 4 Noble Truths and the 8 Fold Path. You could totally leave that detail out in 2nd grade and bring that part of the story back in 5th grade! The place where this compassionate act is said to have happened is called Namobuddha and is in Nepal.
One of my favorite stories is popular in Tibet and tells of how a ship of sailors was capsized at sea and a giant sea turtle swam the entire crew to shore, where the turtle collapsed, exhausted. When he awoke he was covered with flies who were eating him. Rather than crawl back into the sea, which would drown the flies, the turtle let the flies eat him. Because of this connection, In the future the turtle was reborn as the Buddha and the crew and flies were reborn as his disciples.
There are so many great saints to share from India and Tibet. Milarepa is the foremost saint in Tibetan history. Perhaps a little subtle in some parts but an awesome and inspiring story.
In my view, the story of the Indian saint Asanga and the Dog is a must tell, but your class must be ready for a bit of the grotesque. If they are, it's a tear jerker. There's a great version told by the lama Sogyal Rinpoche online.
Two other Indian Buddhist saints known mainly in Tibet are Gelongma Palmo and Shantideva, who wrote one of the most incredible texts in all of Buddhism, the Way of the Bodhisattva.
I hope some of these references help some of you bring some multicultural influence to 2nd grade.
Aaron in Monterey
One of my favorite stories is popular in Tibet and tells of how a ship of sailors was capsized at sea and a giant sea turtle swam the entire crew to shore, where the turtle collapsed, exhausted. When he awoke he was covered with flies who were eating him. Rather than crawl back into the sea, which would drown the flies, the turtle let the flies eat him. Because of this connection, In the future the turtle was reborn as the Buddha and the crew and flies were reborn as his disciples.
There are so many great saints to share from India and Tibet. Milarepa is the foremost saint in Tibetan history. Perhaps a little subtle in some parts but an awesome and inspiring story.
In my view, the story of the Indian saint Asanga and the Dog is a must tell, but your class must be ready for a bit of the grotesque. If they are, it's a tear jerker. There's a great version told by the lama Sogyal Rinpoche online.
Two other Indian Buddhist saints known mainly in Tibet are Gelongma Palmo and Shantideva, who wrote one of the most incredible texts in all of Buddhism, the Way of the Bodhisattva.
I hope some of these references help some of you bring some multicultural influence to 2nd grade.
Aaron in Monterey
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Saint Seraphim Story from Paula Lisch
Paula Lisch wrote down her Saint Seraphim Story and I asked if I could share it with the group. I've added it to our Facebook page.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Saint Jerome
First day of school, I told the story of Saint Jerome and then opened the curtain to my chalkboard drawing. I got a little help from my daughters teacher, who is now retired, and just happened to be walking by the classroom. I chose Jerome because he was a scribe and I wanted to start the year with the idea of what we write is important and should be done thoughtfully and clearly.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Pirate Poems- Grade Two
Last week I fell and hurt my leg. 2
I slipped upon a broken egg.
A limping pirate now am I
Be kind to me, or I shall cry.
I am Jim, slim and sleek, 3
I’ve a nose like a beak.
I stand tall, lean and thin,
Have a wart on my chin.
My name is Fred, my hair is red. 4
I love to sleep, in bunk beds deep
I always eat, but I’m not neat.
Carefully I go, on my
feet tiptoe, 5
Looking to the right, looking to the left.
If you know what’s best, you’ll know Jack is next.
I’m pirate Pip, light and gay, 6
I jump lots when I play,
I chase flies, I catch fleas;
Here comes one, if you please!
Now I peep into the sea; 7
Lots of fish swim right by me.
Down below a golden chest,
Holds the gold that I love best.
Friday, August 14, 2015
St. Francis songs and visual for teacher story
As I looked at Kevin's Saint days -I wanted to share this amazing movie about St. Francis that was done by the incredible Franco Zeffirelli (He did my favorite Romeo and Juliet). The whole movie use to be free on youtube but I can no longer find it. The music is done by Donovan, one of my favorite musicians, and I did If You Want Your Dream To Be, with my son's class (I changed Heaven's glory to all Earth's glory). I didn't do it in a round but it would be fabulous to do towards the end of 2nd or bring back in 3rd as a round. If you watch the movie, this song will leave you shivering, teary and joyful!
Friday, July 31, 2015
2nd Grade Movement games
Please excuse typos and bad grammar
Big Hairy Spider- Hula hoops are laid out in a big circle with three or four flies (children) in each hoop. It is helpful to bring their attention to who in in the hoop with them and in the hoops directly in front and behind them. The BHS is in the middle in a hoop. I say, “The big hairy spider has (a number) legs” then they have to move that many hoops. If the flies are tagged they go to the "spider web" in the middle. When it is full (5 children) they escape at the end of the round and a new spider is chosen. I like to make math problems out of it 2+2 legs, 6-2 legs. The number should not be too large though a bigger number can give a slower child extra time to catch flies.
Blacksmith- Two blacksmiths in the center of the circle. The circle (link of chain) holds hands and chants while moving clockwise and in and out, “Now we form the magic circle. Made by blacksmiths way back when. If it brakes we need not worry, we can form it back again.” Then the circle stops, still holding hands, and the blacksmiths gesture hammering in their hand saying “Cling, cling, cling... clang!” (They chose how many clings). When they say clang the chain breaks apart and runs away. The blacksmiths then forge the links together again by tagging them. Once tagged the links stay with the blacksmith and tag 2 more people. When a string of 4 is made they split into 2s and chase other links until everyone is part of a chain.
Bowser the Hound - The class forms a circle with space in between the students. One child is Bowser the Hound and one is Reddy the Fox. Reddy runs in between the students of the circle in whatever path he chooses. Bowzer must follow that path exactly and tag him to win. If Bowzer takes a different path Reddy has "out foxed him".
Bunny Burrows- Six or so hula hoops spread out in the room. These are "burrows". Two children are foxes all the rest are bunnies. The foxes start in their den (off to the side) while the bunnies hop around (literally like bunnies) eating breakfast. Then I yell "Here come the foxes, 1, 2, 3" and the foxes chase the bunnies. The bunnies are safe in the burrows. But the burrows are small and only three bunnies fit at a time. A new bunny is always welcome but the bunny who has been there the longest must go. (I remind them to notice who is there when they get in). It is important to remind them not to push the bunny who needs to leave. When a bunny is tagged they go to the den. When there are less bunnies I have the burrows "flood" and remove them from the game. When there are only a few left, or the den is a little too rowdy, I end the round.
Classroom Cat and Mice- The cat hides behind the teacher’s desk. The mice (3-5 of them) scratch on the desk. when the cat hears she comes out and chases the mice back to their mouse holes (desks). The mice don’t have to go directly there. They may run up and down the rows of desks before they go home.
Colored Eggs- All line up on a line with one or two foxes in the middle. The foxes say "Knock Knock". The line says,"Who's there". "The little red foxes". "What do you want?" "Colored eggs". "What color?" Then the foxes say a color and if a child is wearing it they run across to the other line. If they get tagged they become foxes too. The foxes face the side with the most people (or are quiet) to say knock knock again. When there are more than 7 foxes start a whole new round with new foxes. For older students who played when they were younger it can be played with flag belts.
Dragon's Cave. The villagers stand on a line and take 3 steps towards the dragon's cave and say "Dragon, dragon in your cave so deep are you awake or are you asleep?" If you hear snoring or "I'm sleeping"... then they walk another 3 steps and say it again. When the dragon is awake he chases the villagers back to their village (the line). Anyone caught becomes a dragon. The dragon needs to be standing in order to catch anyone.
Drop Nut - A squirrel is collecting nuts for the winter and drops one. Her friend finds it and chases after her to give it back. The children sit in a circle and like Duck, Duck, Goose one child walks around the circle. That child has a "nut" (a stick, nut or later a silent scarf). The children in the circle must look strait ahead and not and the squirrel. They can turn around to check behind them when they see her past them and don't see the nut in her hand. If the nut is behind them they pick it up and chase her back to the empty spot. It is fun for the squirrel to walk around until the nut is discovered and then run.
England Ireland Scotland Wales -hand clapping game- England (face partner hands in prayer position but pointing at partner, touch the back of the left hands as they pass from the right to left side),Ireland (touch the backs of right hands as they pass) Scotland (touch back of left hands and don’t pass but stay touching) Wales (leave left hands touching but pull away your right hands then clap your own hands,backs of lefts still touching) Inside (lefts back still together right hands clap above the lefts) Outside (right hands clap below left hands) donkeys tails (jump and both of your hands smack your back pockets)
Ferryman- The children all line up on one side and sing "Ferryman may we cross your river. Ferryman may we cross your sea". The Ferryman (usually me) says, "You may cross my river if you... like me." Showing a body movement (walking like a duck, hopping, etc.) if the child is doing this movement they are safe from you. They can choose to run across. If they are not doing what you said they can be tagged. They can go back to doing the action if you are close to them and run again when you are somewhere else. If they get tagged then they become "river weed" and they are rooted in place. They can then tag children from their spot even if they are doing the prescribed motion.
Farmer and the Crows- Once a farmer had a beautiful garden that crows came and damaged. In her frustration she learned a spell to turn them into scarecrows. The unchanged crows were afraid of the scarecrows at first but eventually realized that they were their kin under a curse. This acknowledgment broke the spell and freed them. The farmer tags the crows. Once tagged the crows stand with legs and arms apart. Two other crows can free them by holding each hand and saying “Spell Unbound”. We begin the game moving in a circle saying the verse “Farmer toiled, food she grew, crows they came, to eat some too, magic chained to the ground, crow friends came spell unbound. Caw Caw Caw!
Farmer Brown- Children sitting in a circle. One child (Farmer Brown) in her mind picks a child to be her sheep then walks around and knocks on a farmer’s door (taps on back) Farmer asks, “Have you seen my sheep?” “What does it look like?” “It has... (something about the person chosen) That farmer then takes a guess at who the sheep is. If they are wrong then Farmer Brown goes to another house. If they are correct then the farmer that guessed chases that sheep around the circle and back to its spot (Brown stays out of the way). An extra challenge is to turn back as you hear clue and try to guess.
Fisherman The children form a big circle at least 10ft from me. I tie an old ball in a cloth to a jumprope and spin it around me. So that I am the center of a 15 ft circle with the ball skimming the ground I say "I am a fisherman brave and strong I'll catch me a fish, and it won’t take long. Hmm what kind of fish am I going to catch today? (children call out a fish). My bucket holds three fish, when the fourth fish is caught, the first fish flops out and returns to the pond. This has also been called jump the shot or bola. Those caught get in the bucket ( I use a mat to sit on, and the first fish slides along as the others are caught, until finally she pops out.
Good Afternoon Old Man - The old man has a cane and is blindfolded. The circle forms around him and moves clockwise while everyone is very quiet. Then the old man slowly spins around and points at someone. That person steps forward, takes the end on the cane and says in their strangest voice, "Good afternoon old man". Then the old man tries to guess who they chose. If they don't guess correctly they can have the person say it again or you can have them spin and select a new person to guess.
Islands- Markers (dots) set around the room. The children are instructed to move about in a special way when I yell "storm!" they have to find the nearest "island" (dot) and put their toe on it. Many children can use one dot. The movements are water based; dolphins, crabs, sailboat, speedboat, etc.
Jack Frost- The children from a village at the base of a tall mountain would call up to Jack Frost in hopes that there might be snow. The children knew that he and his arctic fox friend liked to play with his ball of snow. The game is played with the children lined up on one side of the play area and Jack and his fox in the middle. The children call out “Jack Frost, Jack Frost, won’t you come and play with us?” and he answers, “Not until my ball bounces (a number) times”. Jack throws the ball up and the children have to wait until the ball has bounced that many times before they are allowed to run across, trying not to be tagged by Jack. The fox’s job is to retrieve the ball, no one else may touch it. If they are tagged by Jack they wait in the middle with a hand out to be saved by someone on their next way by.
Lions and Leopards- Two people hold hands making a bridge while everyone is in a circle that moves under the bridge. They chant and step in beat, “Lions and leopards, lions and leopards, hunting at night. Lions and leopards, lions and leopards, hunting at night. Lions and leopards, lions and leopards catch the game”. On the word “Game” they bring their arms down and whoever is caught in between (like London bridge) joins them. Then they say it again and catch the next. As the hunters grow in number they can catch more people at a time in their trap.
Loving Zero- One child skips around the circle while we sing;”Circle round the zero, find your loving zero, back back zero, side side zero, front front zero, tap your loving zero”. At “find your loving zero” the child stops behind someone and together they do what the song says ending with the original skipper tapping the zero on the shoulder and taking their place as the zero then become the skipper.
Magic Hills -Hula hoops are set out around the room and a witch casts a spell on all the children that when they hear a bell they must go to the closest magic hill (hula hoop). Then the witch casts another spell turning them all into ... (Bats, Toads, Ghosts, Dry Leaves). Then the bell rings and the go to a hill for another spell. This can be adapted for other seasons (the fairy queen in Spring- birds, flower pedals, Jack Frost- winter sports)
Magic Hills - A wise medicine woman has an apprentice that gathers the herbs she needs to make her magic. Different spells need different colors. Hula hoops are set out around the room all the children start in the hoops. The wise women says the magic color needed. "The magic color is ...". Those children must leave the "hill" they are on and run to another while the apprentice(s) chase them. If tagged they sit out until two others are caught and then go back in (so there are only two or three out at a time). Second grade ran strait to the new hoop. Third grade liked to play chase so I would give them a moment and then yell another color. Once that second color is called those with the first needed to find the closest hoop unless they were wearing the new color too.
Mother Bird- The mother bird (me or a child who cannot participate) sits in her nest and all the fledgling birds are in the woods (on a line across a running space) Each of them have been assigned one of four kinds of birds (that match the colors of my juggling scarves) bluebird, robin, chickadee, and parrot. The mother bird calls one kind back to the nest because she sees the bird catcher coming (they don’t seem to notice that one mother has many types of babies). Those birds run to the nest. On the side there is a bird catcher who comes out at the call and tries to tag the birdies. If they are tagged they go off to the side where there is a “bird cage”. If they are not tagged then I send them back to the woods and tell them it is safe the bird catcher is gone. I call each kind of bird and then empty the bird cage and pick a new bird catcher.
Musical hoops - Hula hoops are laid out in a big circle. I play my flute and while they hear music they skip around the circle. When they hear the music stop they find the closest hoop and stand in it. As the game continues I take away a hoop each round. It is fun to see how few hoops everyone will fit inside.
Neighbors- Children seated in a circle (sitting on place markers). One child standing in the center says “I like my neighbors who...” and then something about her neighbors such as likes pickles, has a sister, is wearing blue. The children who fit that description get up and change places. The child in the middle claims an empty spot and a new child is left in the middle.
Old Witch - like mr Fox. Children on a line. "Old witch old witch who lives in a ditch and combs her hair with a hickory switch What time is it old witch old witch what time is it old witch?". "It's (a time 1 through 11)". They take that many steps toward her and say the verse again. When she says midnight she chases them back toward the line.
Posture Tag- All players have beanbags balanced on their heads. the ones who are “It” have a red bag the others blue. The “Its” walk as quickly as they can to tag the others. If the beanbag falls off the “It” while he is chasing someone that person is free to go while the beanbag is put back on. If it falls off the one being chased or if they are tagged they switch beanbags and become “It”.
Scrambled Eggs - 5 children stand in front of the class and are looked at carefully. Then the class looks away while they change things, then class looks and tries to figure out what has changed.
Statues The night watchman falls asleep and the statues come to life and play.
I ring the bell (the clock chiming wakes the watchman) and they freeze. If I see them moving, they run into each other or are too loud they sit on the mat for one activity round. "Now you will be" and they act out what I say until I ring the bell. (skip, swim, bike, horses, basketball, dance, frog, monkey, lion, crab, octopus.) can be played with a ball rolled and the statues have to not move even if the ball is heading at them. If bumped they are out a round and can help pick the next activity.
Tall trees in the forest -Centering verse. Tall trees in the forest (tiptoes with hands high), fir cones on the ground (curled up in a ball) tall trees in the forest (same) fir cone all around (arms and legs spread wide) tall trees in the forest standing just so (feet together with arms crossed body still).
Tap Jack- Tap Jack is so shy he taps someone and runs away. Like duck, duck, goose (sitting in a circle) a child taps one person on the shoulder and runs away. The person tapped runs the other way when they meet they stop and shake hands and say good morning. Then they run back to the empty space. if the person tapped gets there first they can choose to be Tap Jack or not. If Tap Jack is first the other child is the new Tap Jack.
Through the Forest- One person is the wolf and turns his back to the play area. Everyone sings, "Through the forest we are skipping while the wolf is far away. Who knows what will happen to us if he finds us at our play." (BB GG BB GG BB GF BB G). When they get to the word “play” everyone freezes and the wolf turns around. Anyone moving is caught and stands one a line next to the wolf for one round
Witch in the Woods- There was a village near a large woods. During the day the children would go into the woods to gather wood, berries, and nuts. Because it was such a dense forest when night came it got dark very fast. When it was dark a witch that lived in the wood would walk through looking for children. If she saw them she would capture them and tie them to her magic rope. The game is played; The lights are on and the children are playing acting out activities. The lights go out (I have some that stay on always so its not totally dark) and the children must freeze. I come out as the witch and walk through the room among the frozen children and say "When the sun goes down and it's darkest night I search for children who shake with fright. If I see you move your toes, tied to my rope your wrist goes." If I see them move they come and
hold onto a jump rope I am holding and trail out behind me. After I say the verse I wander back out and turn the light on. The children then play again and freeze when the lights go out.The "caught" children stay on the rope and follow me through the woods to catch others.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Fox Boy notes
Monica Marshall RSC – Art of Teaching 2nd grade - MATH 6/26/2012
In Practical Advice for teachers Steiner
says a lot about math.
Rudolf Steiner curriculum for Waldorf
Students – The divided I speech
GOALS for 1st grade –
to qualities of numbers 1-12 ---Feeling of the whole and whole to the part
of #’s 1-12 up to 100-200
concept of 0 – nothing
understanding of the story of the = sign and that it also means is
familiarity with counting backward
four processes
A lot of people used gnomes, knitted
gnomes, gnomes with capes, it can make it really alive.
# Patterns – developing
sense of estimation
Roman Numerals 1-12
Using manipulatives – rocks, river
stones, acorns, wooden beads
Sensory math – blindfold – smell things
Geometry curriculum imprinting
Jot things down so you can bring it back
(in 2nd)
Through the Curriculum can use remember
in 1st, especially if you set up the foundation
Division – Rudolf Steiner says it is
like multiplication, no difference; children connect and move to multiplication
easily. If child is a choleric then will
like division because they are demanding everything get broken up.
1st division need to do both

The way a # can be divided into
even groups
Need to SEE what difference is
Strategies for children that are
not there
They just work with the others in
the class. Don’t pull them out to have them
remediate yet, pair them with other students so they can help each other and
just keep bringing them along with the group.
Math is subject that can’t go to
sleep. She would have had children do
summer math work with parents and will have them do something like cooking with
the parents at home. Summer work should
be counting objects around the house, not drilling or written math – fun.
Mental math – wonderful especially
for the child that can do so but not on paper – really delight in them
The children LOVE having a long
problem that goes all the way across the board.
Come in the morning and there is an easy multiplication on the
board. Want to go from the whole to the
3 groups of 2
When write use strong rhythm!!!
Umbrella Story – solidifies and
carries the year, meets developmental style of class and can get pedagogical
stories into it. Monica uses the book Indian tales and uses the same
characters. The book itself is not for 2nd
grade and should not be read verbatim, but using the outline of the character
is perfect for the second grade mood. So
you can take a culture, she did Native American because she felt it was
important to honor the culture from where we live – POMO. You can use African, Japanese, chose
somewhere that you want to bring the culture and are interested in.
So her protagonist is
fox-boy. In Monica’s mind he is 8 years
old, and she never tells the children if he is an animal or a human. She talks about his beautiful bushy tail and when
children ask if he is a boy or a fox she says, well you will just have to
listen, never tell! It can bring in the
children that might drift when they think oh she might tell us this time if he
is a fox or a boy. Fox boy develops the
entire math curriculum story. She
developed his home, where he lives and brought glass from glass beach and used
the imagery of glass beach in her story as jewels that were traded. The other characters can be developed,
antelope mama, father bear…
So fox boy has tantrums and when
he does he gets the hahas and he can’t stop kicking his leg. Grandfather coyote is another character that
visits foxboy. He tells stories like a
true American tale, story within a story, real folktale of Native American and
all the math comes from these stories.
So how to introduce times tables
Fox boy had a great relationship
with Grandfather coyote….build up the story…and tells how he can talk to the
animals by teaching him to sing the secret songs.
One night he heard an owl hooting
– owl two-feather. Fox-boy was in his
grass hut (or wikiup –but pomos lived in grass huts) and heard owl
hooting……..continue embellish…found owl and he sang the song of owl, the song
of 1 1 is 1x2 this leads them to talking and he shows fox
boy where he can find the sticks.
At end of the lesson can say, “And I have some of
those sticks right here for you – OHHHHHH!!!!”
They will be SO excited, (Rhythm sticks) can paint bottom of the
branches/sticks. One time Monica had her
class go out into the Robin Hood forest and gather sticks – they didn’t last so
well, but you could make rhythm sticks and put them around the forest – would
have to make sure there were no branches they would want to use – or get crafty
about it. Could maybe throw them around
the forest and tell them owl left them for them and they will need to find.
Fox boy meets other animals in the forest – mouse 10
ton, otter 4 splash. The word spreads
about fox boy and that he could learn the song of the animal. Each animal is associated with a
multiplication table.
Rhythm of #’s – change it up from 1st,
bring it in all different ways. Don’t
buy into the FEAR of them not knowing their times tables – make it fun – living
loving pictures.
2nd grade characters
should NOT be anything like 1st grade characters – they are no
longer 1st graders and they need to know that YOU know and
understand this. When the children ask
is …(from 1st grade) coming to 2nd grade – OH NO…that is
a 1st grade thing. So NO
carrying the fabulous gnomes forward, so tempting but no – that is a 1st
grade thing, we are in 2nd grade.
Though you can refer back to say a story in 1st, it something
that they can hold on to when bringing new ideas.
Can do a chalkboard drawing of an
owl in the tree and animals in the forest and the inhabitants, or could do owl
in the tree and then add the inhabitants a bit a time.
Write a mental math story for 1st 6 weeks
Need to do narrative, not the 10+3 is - you can do this practice but not at mental
math time.
The narrative builds critical thinking skills and
independent and creative thought.
Make sure you mix up the difficulty of the
questions. If you start to easy the
smart ones won’t listen if you start too hard the ones that struggle will check
out, start with medium to hard.
As I was walking to school today I saw 50 squirrels
in Tehlias’ yard (use a bigger number than in 1st), 20 squirrels
went in one direction and 15 went in another, how many were left? Use RIDICULOUS things. There were 150 ducks in the pond, in 1st
grade they would want to go to the pond and see them but in 2nd they
just think it’s funny. Don’t want to
give too much to story – downfall if so – just 3 minutes, it will deaden if you
go on to long, just thinking it is an exercise and make it humouous. The pace should vary and it takes time to
build it up when you stop doing the math your skills deteriorate, even for the
teacher, can do an everyday story with 5’s in it. Should be doing mental math every-day in main
When you call on a student whose hand isn’t up and
they say, but my hands not up, then you can say, “Oh I know but this question
is for you.”
Child that can’t visualize they can use their hands –
10 left – 5 went away.
Mental math (from Antje)
A jellyfish knocked on my door yesterday
He was selling butter cookies and marmalade
There were 25 cookies upon the plate
I ate 4 and Tehlias ate 8
How many were left? 13
Just then Cooper my dog past by
He jumped on the jellyfish and did the plate fly
The puppie ate up another two
How many cookies were left for you? 11
Monica marshall Art of teaching 2nd con’d (came in late –
traffic accident)
Place value
For children there needs to be a
reason why we go from 9 to 10
Children get it – reason WHY we don’t stay in the 1’s
So story of skunk she made up and foxboy about bag where he cant hold
10 in his hand at one time. So he needed
a bag to but them in whenever he had more than 9. So the bag is named 10. Can do other ideas like eggs in a nest.
![]() |
boy collected 4 in the morning
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collected 11 by the afternoon
Do you think fox boy got the hahas?
So what did he have to do?
He put 10 in his bag.
So he had 1 left.
Do you think he could gold one in his hand? YES
Can make the pouches out of leather and then can
say…..and I have a pouch right her for you!!!
They will give OHHHHHHH…if they are living into the story and then can
have the children blanket stitch them up.
So then (want to say all different ways)
We can draw 2 bags on the board and 3 jewels
And say This is what fox boy had in the morning
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) 0
0 0

1.)So how many in this pouch
How many in this one
How many is that? 23
Then add bags
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0 0 0
0 0 0
Count 10 20 30
Remember the 1st day when he could only
hold 9 in his hand?
No can add together

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0 0 0
0 0 0
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0 0 0
0 0 0
So how many did he have all together? Lets count
10 20 30 40 50
and how many in the hand-6
Now there is another way to do this – introduce
5 bags – 6 in the hand
Ask the children – can my hand hold more than 9??? NO
So all of that could be 1st weeks work
So the 1st thing is making the 10 around
the pouch, then do it with the pouches counting, then doing it vertical, should
be a progression. Then can use
manipulatives with the bag, whatever you used in 1st you can use in
Good to use manipulatives too so that they realize
things come in different sizes and colors
So now next week
Fox boy getting so puffed up, thinking he’s all that
and Grandfather (give visual description of him) cam over to talk to him.
Fox boy learned about the song of the owl and fox boy
needed to teach the song to the people of his village. Fox boy didn’t like that.. (Build in lots of
drama within the words of the story)
Fox boy taught the song of the owl to the other
children of the village so they could all be safe when they walked
through. Now fox boy all puffed up and
grandfather coyote says you look like a porcupine – fox boy is humbled. He collects pouches – all the way up to 99
So need to have some way of character holding 99
He has more than 99 so he drops them all to the ground - go to 100
So fox boy looked at all those jewels on the ground
and what do you think happened??
He got the hahas – and his leg begin to shake and he
was howling
The mama came by and said I haven’t seen the hahas in
a while…I have a basket that I have been weaving and I would like you to
have. So he picked up the basket and
wouldn’t you know all 100 pouches fit perfectly in the basket
Draw a basket and put a 100 on it
If students understand correctly they can go on with
baskets, if not you will have to work there.
So now you can draw baskets and pouches and in the
hand on the board (always use the same terminology – children will get lost
easily if you skip from calling it pouches and then bags)
Bag bag 000
bag bag 000
Basket basket bag
bag bag bag
bag 6
Then next adding
So this is all in 1 color of stone
Don’t normally have the same amount of bags as in the
hand so…
Bags don’t necessarily have to line up either.
If you set up really well this – they will all get it
REALLY have to think out place value and story
because if you do it confusing – they will be totally lost and confused.
So for each place
Mama comes and rescues fox boy and gives him
something else he needs
Backpack etc…
Grandfather coyote sees that Foxboy has so many
jewels. Foxboy is stronger and standing
taller and says Grandfather coyote to Foxboy I want you to come with me
somewhere. And grandfather goes into the
story of his Great great great great great great great great grandfather that
told him of this place and (foxboy has a best friend by this time – badger
girl) and coyote squatted in the soil and drew a map on the ground to show fox
boy how to get there.
Fox boy and badger girl go on the quest all the way
to the beach – glass beach
Fox boy and badger girl gathered as many as they
could gather of the green stones
Grandfather coyote said no we must not give them out
yet because we have far less of the green than of the purple (this is when we
use stones or beans or glass)
Grandfather Coyote goes into a deep deep sleep and
his ancestors tell him that you may trade.
You may trade 10 purple stones for 1 green stone and yadayada – Tell me
what fox boy would have if he had 25 stones
So high level will count out 2 green and 5 purple,
others that didn’t make the leap will count out 25 purple stones.
So then the stories of going to toehr beaches and
collecting other gems or stones and each one being more valuable.
Good to do manipulatives at end of class on floor in
a circle so you can see your feet and everyone elses.
It’s a balance – you don’t want to stay too long in
1’s and 10’s but don’t want to go on if some don’t understand it
When you go to the #’s you might lose children but
that is ok – just keep bringing them along.
1st do the math horizontal.
Doing math left to right is setting a plain for language arts
2nd –
The children lose intuitive sense and gain more
imaginative forces – practice both horizontal and vertical math – but solidfy
it and then you will be able to go back to it and recall.
So can have a felt piece for each child
Fox boy gave 4 jewels to tribe …..
Bring down 4
So now take 10 and move it over into the pouch
Make sure it is set up so the 10’s are on the left –
then throw in fox boy needed some porridge and some…
Then fox boy came back and gathered another whole
pouch worth of stones
What do we have now?
2 pouches and 2 in the hand
This is not
recall or mental math this is arithmetic in main lesson, during Math block – do
this 2x a week.
So now how many pouches do you have? How many in the hand?
It is best to do this at the end of circle because
once set up don’t want to go on till everything is put away. Can call on children to set up – give felt –
jewels etc…
Picture of felt
Pouch pouch
00 so now have another
color because can only go so far if the stones are the same color
Person in charge of trading gives the beans/jewels
White bean -
Balck – 10
Brown – 1
Monica had enough different colors of jewels all the
way to the millionth. The millionth was
a dragon tear with a color inside the color (of course most valuable)
So have felt piece with jewels like this
10 1
1st block – no carrying and no borrowing –
just addition, towards the end can do the following type of example
Father Bear was always needing jewels to share with
the other people of the village. One day
Father bear came to fox boy and said I need 1 pouch and 3 jewels for ….
So he had pouch pouch 000
He gave pouch 000
He had
pouch and 0 in the hand
So subtraction do that 1st than can do 23
Then father bear needed jewels for turtle girl and
Monica says he had (always start with the hand(
3 in the hand
3 pouches
2 baskets
How many did he have?
How many baskets? 2
How many pouches in the basket? 20
Jewels are very tactile and will help to activate
their thinking. Knitting activates the nerve endings in the brain (Swedish
So the story lasts all year and at the same time fox
boy is learning new songs to go with the multiplication tables
20 pouches
Then he would have to hold 200 jewels
So now back to the 233 – let’s read that again - how
many jewels in the pouch? 30
Now fox boy
found 3 more jewels –
So now how many in the hand? 6
They are doing this on the felt with their jewels
Now he gathers 5 more black beans (5 more pouches)
Do we have enough to trade for a basket?
Then Fox boy gathered five more in the hand – is he
going to have the hahas? What do we
need to do? Trade
Oh no do we
have enough to trade for a basket? How
many more would he need?
Are we even close (estimation)
Build in the estimation, most children won’t be able
to answer, some can and some can without even knowing they can.
Can keep this active all year long and can work with
the stories.
Monica talks about being a chemist and having to take
a test. She was in upper math classes
and failed the foundations of math test.
She didn’t get these foundations in school - it is vital for students to understand this!
Manipulatives are really good for children that live
in their heads. Can tell them, pick up
the green stone, how does it feel? It
was laying on the beach getting tossed in the surf and it was rubbed smooth by
the sand – build up the living picture so they live into it – this creates
At the end you can let them make a picture with the
jewels on the felt (just few minutes) and not everyone will finish the pix,
then you can go around the circle and show them. If
they didn’t finish they can say oh I was going to make…
Monica then had us go outside and had us do
jumprope. If children can’t do the over
then can do snake or evy ivy back and forth.
She said – jump over the rope if you have 10 people, minus 5 in your
house. Then you have to say the # as you
jump over the rope. You can do this with
breakfast (helps you find out who is eating healthy) – If you had 3 things for
breakfast jump over the rope – and name them.
Jump over the rope if you are 20 – 11+1+1 = They jump over the rope and say 9. You
can do the different ages.
Marshall – art of teaching grade 2 3rd class on
2nd block
Use different felt colors for different things –
golden felt for recorder
Fox boy had 1253
(always have your own that you are working on – or you’ll prob. Get
How many baskets did he have?
Now fox boy has 2586
How many black beans does he have?
Does everyone have 8???
Give time for people to rejoin you if they are off
So how many pinto would we need for one garbanzo?
Shake things up – can ask a complicated thing and see
if anyone answers
Read the 1st and 3rd grade
indication – there is not a lot about 2nd
Book – examining the Waldorf curriculum from an
American viewpoint.
Children love accoutrements and being a scribe
Word “Weird” is a word not allowed in Monicas class – she’ll
say isn’t it odd and isn’t it a fun word we are so lucky we can speak it.
So we now have
Garbanzo beans in the 1000’s
Garbanzo Pinto BlackBeans Pintos
2000 500 80 6
Than Father Bear came by and needed to borrow 203 beans
Then can write this # on the board, helps children to learn visually
What was left
Use subtract sign
Last block take them into the millions (not millionth) just for fun
So if 203 two hundred three (not two hundred and three)
Saying “it’s just the way it is” instead of I say so
Bear now needed to borrow 200 more
Then came back 100 more (working the story into it)
What do you see now?
As you go with the jewels or beans the children should point finger on
So how many pintos are in the baskets?
In 2nd block talk to children about place value – can talk
about parents in the big world and how they use it
So taking away 1 basket and 2 in the hand
1081 left
So nothing in the basket place – what is that basket place? 100’s
Keep working with less than and equal than
There is lots of loss of common sense and so really bring in lots of
Early bird gets the worm etc…They are so very American (come up a lot
when study Rome)
In 4th there are lots of pioneer sayings
Now –
Quail girl came by which was so very unusual – and she borrowed 3 black
beans and then antelope came by and borrowed a garbanzo bean
What does that mean 51?
5 – 10’s
Then count 10’s on hands 10 20 30 40 50
Then Father Bear came by and asked for 21 more and did Dad take 21 No
He took 2 north and traded
By this time don’t need to say pouches and saying black beans
What is left 3 black beans
If I was drawing pouches/ beans, how many 1’s ??
Do I need to put that? Yes
To hold my place
Dorothy Herrer – book – Math lessons for Elementary grades
Commas in math – seashell to keep place
Secret relationship with children want to capitalize on
Bored – oh that’s good because when you think of something to do you’ll
be so excited
Academic part doesn’t always meet them
Develop the social realm and in 4th they
will be able to shine
Child will remember the one thing that was boring
They need to inwardly feel that you as the teacher
knew that they could answer and the idea that you gave that question just for
them to answer- just for me!!!
Don’t convince parents to stay can say – as a parent
I really trust your judgment and If you think that that he would be better off
Build relationship our of love and really work
through the temperments
Melancholic – “Oh I never get the answer right”
Always make sure the melancholic can answer something. But I just called on you yesterday and you
got it right away.
With Melancholic don’t respond of course your so
smart or oh that’s so sad or one day you’ll be able to get it right.
Can do the melancholic face, oh L, sometimes that is all
they need
Phlegmatic – inwardly a lot is going on – boy
nothing/ never gave any kind of sign even listeinging – they are on a different
rhythm but quite awake inside – The boy she tried to get him to answer but
wouldn’t – he was on a two day rhythm working through the info.
Monica doesn’t use columns or graphs because looking
for the inner column. Some children need
help – have vision of where want to go and the children to be
Example – Do main lesson book on Sunday so she takes
out all the childrens books and fixes the little things in them and then gives
whatever they need to be successful.
Children don’t like using crutches and will give them up when they feel
Don’t say to children, oh no that is so beautiful,
when it is not your lying and they know
Nobody counts on their fingers if they don’t delight
in doing it or need to do it.
Love to have children collaborate
Remember – you go out and miss things during talks so
don’t be so on children when they do
Monica had us stand in a line of 5 or so and had 2nd person
write a number on the 1st person’s back. Wrote 25 and then next person did 35 than down
the line. Everytime you have to erase –
very crucial step (doing this actually helps with folk dancing???) Then had 2nd
person pic one of the #’s and they wrote and person had to guess.
The only time this was a problem is when the girls
started wearing bras – so when they got that age she stopped
if someone does it wrong – 57 instead of 75 can say Oh lets try it again and
see if they start to do it right – if not can say 0h 5 first sweetie.
All the things in childhood normalize “of course
these things happen” That would be the gesture
In Steiners time prob not so many spatial issues.
Children did folk dancing from an early age, this creates less spatial
issues. Utilize as much as you can.
2 is 1 x 2
Sticks - II x
(cross sticks together) II cross
sticks put on shouldersj
Hit on desk, hit on carpet – Each times table will
have it’s own pattern
24 is 12x2
Can do this times table backward
Can connect times tables and do them forward and
backwards or backwards and immediately forward
Also hitting the neighbors sticks on side if in a
circle – would have different rhythm or gesture for each times table. You don’t want to have the same rhythm it
will put them to sleep – you want to wake them up. And don’t only use sticks.
Can do in a circle and have stones for each different
clan – 4 groups – skunk, bear, coyote etc…
Fox boy crosses the country to visit the other tribes
Rocks carved into the animal shape – animal spirit in
the rocks – 1 for each clan
We teach to the imagination, public school children
say hate when they just can’t do it yet
Do it one way – then do it 5 other ways
Special basket
for the carved animals
in a circle – those in the wolf clan, sing me the song of the owl 1 is 1x2….
Can of the ….sing me the song of the otter wolf
splash then they do the 4’s
There will sometimes be tension between the clans –
can have clans meeting each other in the
forest –
“Brash warrior we know the song of the ….better than
the other clan”
So then the 2 clans “battle” the other 2 clans
If one group is better – sounds like the bears and
skunks are tired
Can separate further to 1 clan on 1 clan and then
down to choosing 1 child from each clan so each child in clan doing there times
Can have someone step out of the circle and do on our
Have them make sticks – sand down and work them –be
careful with bamboo, splinters in it – so painful
Clans shift and change 0 no same stone get to be on
the floor in the center – the stones are a ceremonial thing. When bring out the stones they kow the clans
are here – and they live into the clan.
Luni stick is best for 4th
Chinese jumprope she thinks is better for 3rd
or 4th
Indonesian sticks 4th – dance movement
with them steeping over sticks shared at goetheum, finnish school, conference
in Dornach.
As move up the grades wouldn’t want to only do sticks
– don’t want to overstick them – so special thing a couple times a week – look
at gestures
Bean Bags
Partners move bean bag from hand to hand 2 is 1 x
2 hand hand hand throw can put students
in triplets or quad.
Timestables – counting stars – can use counting stars on each #
When create – not a clock - so do we have something between 2 and
3? Work with children to make the
numbers around the circle. Can have them
put stones 1st
Raccoon 3 legs, when he draws in the dirt he draw a
special seal and when fox boy is in trouble he needs to stop and draw the
special symbol (counting star needed) if he does anyone in the village will
come to his aid. Even’s go to the
highest will always end on evens.
Partial pix of owl two feather in a tree then on
other page mulitiples of 2’s
Children need help if just give them a pencil and say
write it they get squished. Do work in
crayons and nice and large . So does 4
times table on 1 page, equal sign should be directly below equal sign above it,
then groups of 1 group of 2 groups of
2 = 1 x 2
4 = 2 x 2
6 = 3 x 2
8 = 4 x 2
One color one
color groups This column
tells us how many per groups
Total the
same as
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